Why Modern MSPs Should Embrace all Kinds of Networking Groups

Why Modern MSPs Should Embrace all Kinds of Networking Groups image

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Think all networking groups are the same? Think again! With changes in attitude to how and where people work, as well as the kind of events they like to attend, modern networking is not what you imagine. Here are eight different options to consider.


1. Peer Networking Groups

We’ve mentioned peer groups in previous posts about networking. Richard credits much of his success as a managed service business owner to being part of peer support groups from early on in his career. And our Community Manager, Stephen, often attends local events.

So what makes these a good idea? After all, aren’t they just full of your competitors, looking to steal your ideas and your clients? Not at all. The IT and MSP space is super supportive and the groups are a safe place to share challenges and wins.

The online MSP membership, The Tech Tribe, also has an in-person element: Local Tribal Gatherings. Members host local and regional get-togethers, where there’s some informal networking, a chat about a particular topic and the opportunity to meet with vendors.

The social aspect is a big part of these, and cloud marketplace Pax8 are the beer and pizza sponsors. It’s free to attend, and non Tech Tribe members are always welcome. There are events happening globally, so you’re bound to find one to suit you.

If you’re looking for advice, a new software solution or just a group of people you can let off steam to, then a peer networking group is a great option. We’ve even compiled a handy list for you! Have a look and see what you fancy.

Why Modern MSPs Should Embrace all Kinds of Networking Groups


2. Masterminds

The term ‘master mind’ was coined by American author Napoleon Hill, featuring the concept in his 1937 classic “Think and Grow Rich.” In the book, Hill recommends finding a group of business owners who can provide mentoring, referrals and inspiration.

He also suggests finding people who are further ahead on their business journey, so they can better support you. A mastermind should only be temporary – have an end goal in mind before you start.

So what does a mastermind look like for today’s MSPs? Well, you can find (or create) a group of people who’ll help you achieve a specific goal, whether that’s financial or otherwise. It can include a mentor who can share their own experiences and guide you to avoid mistakes.

Or you might choose a selection of your peers who you can collaborate with on various projects. You can meet online or in person, and get together as often as you like. Some people prefer weekly, others prefer monthly sessions.

It’s key to ensure that everyone gets their time in the ‘hot seat’. This is a dedicated period of time for them to share a current challenge and receive specific advice. For this reason, mastermind groups are best with no more than six members – four is better.


3. Network at Industry Events

If you want to meet new people, then an industry-specific event is a great way to do that. Whether you choose to network in the UK, or decide to stretch the marketing budget to an international conference (Kaseya DattoCon takes place in Florida!) there’s something for you.

Want to find someone to outsource your ticketing to? Then you need to be at an industry event. Think a mastermind might keep you accountable? Find group members at a conference. Need to ask a vendor a question or find a specialist partner? You get the idea!

And don’t forget that many of these global events offer a virtual ticket option too. So if you can’t jet across the pond this year, you can still learn from the experts and chat to your peers from the comfort of your own armchair. Post-pandemic, hybrid event organisers work hard to provide great online socialising options.

But what if you can’t take time out of your busy week to commit to attend a conference? Well, we’d argue that it’s always worth making the time, and not just for the networking.

But if it’s just not possible, then why not look at a one-off webinar instead? These tend to be about an hour long and you can choose a topic that will be really helpful to your current business needs. The group chat is a great place to network and make connections. And remember that

Zoom allows you to download the chat, too, so you won’t forget anyone’s name!

Why Modern MSPs Should Embrace all Kinds of Networking Groups


4. Traditional Style Networking Groups

There’s still a place and an appetite (pardon the pun!) for traditional breakfast networking events. If you’d like to meet people from a wide variety of businesses and at different seniority levels, then see what’s available.

This is a great way to meet people in your local area if you want to focus your MSP on nearby businesses. There’s definitely scope to find clients, but make sure you go with the aim of being helpful, not salesy.

And another benefit of these events is that you’ll get an opportunity to find out about what’s going on in your region. There may be funding available from the local authority. Or depending on your area, there may be an enterprise agency who offers business advice.

Think #networking groups are all the same? You may be surprised at the options available for modern #MSPs, says @GudrunLauret. Click to Tweet


5. Professional Networking Groups

Large organisations such as the Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) offer networking as part of their membership. While their primary focus is business advice and perks such as legal advice, they do like to host or attend networking events too.

These events can vary greatly: the Chamber often does round-table networking, where you can talk about a particular challenge. The FSB has had women-only and young entrepreneur groups. As they’re both national, you can attend meet-ups in any location once you’re a member.

And as these are always attended by your local representative, it’s a great way to learn what else these business organisations can do for you. If you’re looking for an introduction to a specific local business owner or sector, they can help. The Chamber used to share lists of contact details, but this is probably a bad route to go down!

Finally, there are paid membership groups which focus entirely on networking and referrals. The best-known of these is BNI (Business Networks International), although this is controversial and not universally popular.

The BNI model is that members must attend every week and refer peers in their group, regardless of whether they’ve worked together directly or not. Once a representative of a specific industry (such as an MSP) joins a local chapter, their competitors are locked out.

While this didn’t work for me personally (as a copywriter), I know all kinds of businesses that have seen success at BNI, from social media managers to electricians, music promoters to accountants. Give it a go if you have the time to commit.

Why Modern MSPs Should Embrace all Kinds of Networking Groups


6. Leadership Networking Groups

There are also networking groups specifically for leaders, C-suite executives and directors of organisations. These are a great way to discuss challenges, growth, finance and more at a high level.

For example, Network Circle is aimed at C-suite and says their events: “bring together the most influential leaders in the industry, providing you with unparalleled opportunities to network with like-minded peers, forge new business relationships, and elevate your professional network.”

Membership of a group like this will also have extra perks – they will have selected partners for insurance, legal and so on. You can choose to be part of an industry-specific group or find one with a wider focus.

And many of these groups are international, so you can network with people across the globe. You’ll get insights into how companies are run in different countries and how you can work with them, should you choose to.


7. Business and Marketing Events

If you didn’t already know, the name ‘Tubblog’ gives it away – this site originally started out as a blog for Richard to share his advice with his fellow MSPs and others working in the IT industry.

20 years ago, blogging wasn’t the hot topic it is today, and certainly not in the traditional IT space. However, Richard had been learning about online marketing and wanted to create a resource that would be helpful for his peers and future customers.

As such, he continues to be an advocate for MSPs to attend events outside their industry bubble. Earlier this year (2024), TeamTubb met in person for Atomicon, Europe’s premier marketing conference, to find out the latest in digital, email, AI and social media.

But why do we recommend that you go to something like Atomicon? Firstly, for the learning. As an entrepreneur, you have to wear all the hats in your business, and that includes marketing. Whether you like it or not! So this is an easy way to stay up to date and find potential suppliers, such as Active Campaign for your email marketing.

Secondly, for the networking opportunities. As with many of the other options we’ve looked at, marketing and business conferences are a great way to meet collaborators, partners and future clients. And because many of your MSP peers aren’t at these events, you’re well-placed to become the go-to expert in your industry.

Why Modern MSPs Should Embrace all Kinds of Networking Groups


8. Online Networking Groups

During covid, several in-person networking groups decided to move their meetings online. While some have gone back to IRL events, others have embraced virtual get-togethers and grown their memberships into global groups.

For instance, I’ve recently joined the ONLE Network. I have a home group where I attend their monthly meetings, which allows me to really build strong connections. I can also attend other events across the UK and even the US.

Plus, there’s a book club, a wellbeing group, speed networking sessions and monthly masterclasses on a range of topics relevant to business owners. But be warned – you will be expected to have 1:1s at the meetings (randomly assigned) and the masterclasses, so only join if you really like talking to people and are comfortable with meeting strangers.

There is often an online meeting element to more general memberships, too. The Tech Tribe offers a range of virtual events that are open to their members. Anyone who’s attended Atomicon (which is a hybrid event) can join the Atomic membership, which has masterminds and networking included.


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