Tubbservatory Round-Up #4 – April 2022

Tubbservatory Round-Up #4 – April 2022 image

Tubbservatory Round-Up – What is it?Tubbservatory Round-Up #4 – April 2022

Each week Richard throws a spotlight on five resources Managed Service Providers (MSPs) that business owners should take note of in the IT industry. The Tubbservatory is a weekly video broadcast featuring useful articles, podcasts, and events that bring value to IT business owners.

Tubbservatory Round-Up #4 – April 2022 is a collection of all of the broadcasts made in April 2022, edited together for you to watch at your convenience. In addition, the items are summarised below, with links to the resources mentioned in the video.

In this month’s episode: resources on customer retention, cybersecurity, and sales goal-setting.


Tubbservatory Round-Up #4 April 2022 Video


Tubbservatory Round-Up #4: April – Week 1

#1 The MSP 2022 Growth Survey Results Are In

Shannon K. Murphy of Zomentum and Dave Sutton of Wingman have collated the results of their annual growth survey.

Over 125 MSPs were surveyed, and some of the questions included:

  • How has the pandemic influenced your decision to invest in sales and marketing?
  • What is your level of confidence for growth in 2022?
  • What capacity are your current workload levels at?

The trends show that there is confidence in formalised marketing strategies in the short term, but for many, long-term goals are not yet clear. It’s worth taking a look at in a bit more depth and drawing your own conclusions.

You can read our breakdown of the results in the Tubblog article here.

#2 A Guide to Launching a Successful MSP Business

For many people just starting out on the road to becoming an MSP, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Akshaya Devi of SuperOps has put together a five-point guide to start a successful MSP business.

The advice within this guide, while useful to new MSPs, will also benefit existing MSPs who may be struggling to keep the right focus.

#3 How To Use Scripts To Better Your Revenue

Automation and scripting are a big part of the modern MSPs tool kit. Doron Ben Cohen of Atera has written an article that explains how to use scripts to better your revenue.

He highlights two areas to concentrate on in particular:

  • Pre-Sales, sales, after-sales and repeat sales
  • Patching, updating, maintaining, and optimising

He also urges you to do time and waste audits to see where the inefficiencies are.

#4 Todd Kane’s Three Degrees of Trust

To build an effective team within your MSP, you’ll need a team that can trust one another.

That is the topic of Todd Kane‘s latest video, where he talks about the Three Degrees of Trust.

The three degrees are broken down into the following:

  • Professional Trust – Do I trust you to do what the team expects of you?
  • Personal Trust – Do I like and trust you as a person?
  • Task Trust – Do I agree with your methods, and your approach to the work?

Todd says: “Trust is critical in understanding how the team can function, and if that professional trust is low, everything else will fall apart.”

Trust is critical in understanding how the team can function, and if that professional trust is low, everything else will fall apart. @toddakane Click to Tweet

#5 CompTIA Benelux Business Technology Community Meeting

The CompTIA Benelux Business Technology Community Meeting returned to Amsterdam on the 21st of April.

CompTIA communities deliver thought leadership, help, and advice through networking, face-to-face learning, and collaboration.

It’s a no-brainer for any MSP to attend these events, as it’s a good chance to network with your peers in the wider European community as a whole.

Visit their events page to keep up to date with future community events.


Tubbservatory Round-Up #4: April – Week 2

#1 The Smart Cloud: What Role Will AI Play in the Future Evolution of Cloud Technology?

That is the question that Robert Belgrave, UK CEO of Pax 8, asks in his recent article for the Global Banking and Finance Review.

As trends in cloud computing seem to be heading towards more automation, AI will become a powerful tool for MSPs to consider adding to their offerings.

While the cost benefits of AI optimisation are well known, the ethical issue of replacing human workers is something not to be downplayed. Employers will need to reassure their staff that the technology is there to work alongside them, and not replace them.

#2 Your Mind Doesn’t Do You a Lot of Favours

Author of the book Relax, [amazon link =B00FY7B9KE] and MSP expert Karl Palachuk has turned his attention to the workings of the mind in his latest article.

He explains how the mind has a tendency to play tricks on you. Altering the memories we have over time, and making up details we’ve forgotten.

When we recall memories, we also apply filtering. As we pull them out of storage, we re-write them just a bit to fit within our world view and to provide consistency with other memories @karlpalachuk Click to Tweet

This is a fascinating read, and one that will help you master the bias of your memories in influencing your present.

#3 The Modern Cloud Infrastructure E-book

Our own Richard Tubb was interviewed by Channel Vision‘s Brady Hicks about the Modern Cloud infrastructure. Specifically about the E-book he co-authored with Linode.

The alternative cloud is a great opportunity for MSP owners who want an alternative to the ‘big three’ cloud providers.

If you’re intrigued by the alternative cloud, and how tools and services such as Linode can help your MSP business, you can check out the interview here.

#4 The UK Cybersecurity Overhaul Brings a “Sword of Damocles” to MSPs

Tubbservatory Round-Up #4

Connor Jones of ITPro reports that the Network and Information Security Regulations (NIS) that were brought in in 2018 are to be overhauled in 2022.

The standout change of NIS 2022 is that the regulations may now include managed service providers.

MSPs play a huge role in the UK’s IT infrastructure, providing core services to businesses large and small across the nation, but they’re all largely unregulated at present. NIS 2022 aims to rectify that.

UK MSPs should prepare themselves for these regulations by reading this article to understand how the changes to UK cybersecurity standards could affect them.

#5 The Museum of Endangered Sounds

Helpdesk Habits Author Mark Copeman recently introduced Richard Tubb to the fascinating Museum of Endangered Sounds.

Curated by site owner, Brendan Chilcutt (aka ki*********@ao*.com), this interactive wall of sounds will take you on a nostalgia trip to technology’s yesteryear.

Just some of the sounds on offer include:

  • The Windows 95 start up sound
  • The AOL AIM ping
  • A VCR rewinding
  • Space Invaders
  • And dial-up internet

Tubbservatory Round-Up Apr 2022


Tubbservatory Round-Up #4: April – Week 3

#1 Never Lose Another Client to a Cheaper MSP

How would you say your pricing compares to that of your competitors?

In Doron Ben Cohen of Atera’s latest article, he says it’s far too easy to get into a race to the bottom, while under-valuing the services we provide as MSPs.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of marketing yourself as a necessary evil. Instead, look for the value in what you create, and create a message that gives the feeling that they are gaining something amazing, not taking on the best answer under the circumstances.

The key, says Cohen, is to focus on value, not time.

#2 How to Work Securely with Open Source Software

With open source making up a large portion of the software tools that MSPs use. This article, which was brought to our attention by Tubbservatory viewer Paul Croker, highlights the need to research the tools in our toolkits before we roll them out.

In this article, written by Daniel Berman, Product Marketing Director at Snyk, he breaks down the four questions you should ask before you use an open source library.

The event stream backdoor incident of 2018 was highlighted as a prime example of the dangers:

Open source libraries in the event stream toolkit were published with malicious code, and it was downloaded millions of times before the malicious code was noticed.

This is definitely one to read up on in the face of increasing cyberthreats to open source libraries.

#3 Directory of Remote Jobs for Those Affected by the War in the Ukraine

Safety Wing have pulled together a directory of remote jobs for those affected by the war in Ukraine.

If you are in any way affected by the war, and you’re looking for a remote job then the companies listed on this page will prioritise your application.

Similarly, if there are any other IT companies that would like to be added to this list, you can add yourself and any remote positions you have available here.

It’s a wonderful thing to do if you’re able to contribute, so please do so if you can.

#4 How Usecure Builds a Security-Savvy Workforce

If you’re looking to reduce your MSP client cybersecurity risk, then take a look at the latest video on how usecure builds a security-savvy workforce.

Usecure shares their human risk management vision. And that helps your clients to identify gaps in their cybersecurity knowledge.

This will help your MSP to lower the cost of support, and keep your clients safe.

#5 Adding Cybersecurity to Your Services with Sophos Managed Threat Response

Giacom invited Managed Service Providers to a Sophos hosted cybersecurity event on Thursday 28th April 2022.

The event, Adding Cybersecurity to Your Services, was held at the Nhow Hotel in London.

The aim was to help MSPs to better understand the threat landscape, and also a chance to rub shoulders with cybersecurity experts and their peers in the MSP community.



Tubbservatory Round-Up #4: April – Week 4

#1 The MSP Owner’s Guide to Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads E-book

LinkedIn is an often overlooked goldmine of opportunities for managed service providers.

Barracuda MSP have produced an excellent e-book guide to generate sales leads.

The guide offers tips on:

  • Optimizing your LinkedIn profile
  • Growing your network
  • Nurturing your connections
  • Taking your networking to the next level

#2 Nigel Moore’s Package, Price, Profit Audiobook

The Tech Tribe‘s Nigel Moore‘s excellent book; [amazon link =B07Y1BHJMY], is now available as an audiobook.

The book is already an excellent resource for helping MSPs to package and price their services to clients.

Sadly, Nigel doesn’t provide the narration himself, but it’s well worth a listen.

The audiobook runs for just under 3 hours, and available through audible and other good audiobook providers.

#3 How to Reduce Churn: 5 Essential Customer Retention Strategies

With the rising cost of services, retaining clients has never been more important for your MSP business.

Simplesat have written a useful article on how to establish a solid foundation among your existing clients, to mitigate the risk of customer leakage.

It’s worth bookmarking this article in case you find yourself losing existing clients as fast as you’re gaining new ones.

Packed full of great tips, it advises how to calculate your churn rate. And, it takes you all the way through to implementing a solid retention strategy.

#4 Analysis of the Kaseya Acquisition of Datto

The biggest MSP news story of the last month has been Kaseya‘s $6.2 billion acquisition of Datto.

The best round-up of all the analysis, insights and information about this story can be found in Joe Panettieri‘s article on ChannelE2E.

Joe explores the greater implications of the acquisition, including market reach, employee headcount and antitrust concerns.

To sum it up, if you really want the full analysis on what this acquisition means for the MSP industry, you should check out Joe’s article.

#5 Raspberry Pi Turns 10 Years Old

Happy birthday to Raspberry Pi on reaching its ten-year-old milestone.Tubbservatory Raspberry Pi

Launched in 2012, this little computer has become a geek and hobbyist’s dream.  Elektor Magazine‘s article highlights the incredible journey this inexpensive Linux-running device has been on over the last ten years.

Used in a multitude of applications, including:

  • Desktop computer
  • Robotics
  • Industrial controller
  • Coding learning platform

Does your MSP business make use of Raspberry Pis in your tech offerings?  We’d love to hear about how you use them in the comments.

Tubbservatory Round-Up Apr 2022Divider

Tubbservatory Round-Up #4: April – Week 5

#1 Partnership Cheat Sheet – A Guide to Vendor Partnering

When it comes to checking out whether your partnerships with your vendors are working or not, one resource to help you figure it all out is Uptime Solutions‘ Partnership Cheat Sheet.

This guide covers the four main questions you should be asking of your vendor partners.

As always, the cornerstone of any relationship is communication. Getting off on the right foot and having a clear vision you agree on will also mitigate further risk of your relationships faltering.

#2 MSP Sales Goal-Setting

If your MSP business could use some help with sales, then check out this guide from MSP marketing expert Derek Marin.

Start with setting your sales goals, and soon your business will go from surviving to thriving.

Derek says: “The bottom line is that having clear goals is not just a tool for empowerment, it’s a tool for accountability, discipline, and it forces us to break our goals into smaller chunks that we can aim for and track.”

having clear goals is not just a tool for empowerment, it’s a tool for accountability, discipline, and it forces us to break our goals into smaller chunks that we can aim for and track. - Derek Marin Click to Tweet

#3 Lessons From the Great Resignation

Finding and retaining good employees for your business has never been more challenging.

So, Karl Palachuk’s article, Lessons from the Great Resignation, should be food for thought for your IT Business.

Karl gives a number of great tips here. Including the obvious, but powerful: treating people more like people is good for your business (and people).

The jobs market is ever-evolving, and change is rarely permanent. However, the insights within this article will certainly put things into perspective.

#4 Bigger Brains e-Learning Courses

One of the best-kept secrets in managed services is Bigger Brains.

Bigger Brains provide e-learning and training resources for MSPs to share with their clients.

Owner Chip Reaves has a wealth of knowledge in the MSP industry to help bigger brains MSPs grow their business. And these courses are a great way to make your clients more savvy with the technology tools they frequently use.

#5 PC Paramedics – Helping with Relief Efforts in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has moved us all deeply, but one MSP has taken steps to help with relief efforts directly.

Paul Dadge of UK-based PC Paramedics has been in Ukraine helping with the relief efforts, including handing out teddy bears and other essentials from Bridgetown Primary School in Cannock to children on the Ukraine/Poland border.

Richard Tubb added: “Paul, I know I speak for the whole managed services community, when I say thank you, my friend.”

Links to the Resources Mentioned in this Round-Up

Week 1

  1. The MSP 2022 Growth Survey Results Webinar Replay
  2. SuperOps – How to Launch a Successful MSP Business
  3. How to Use Scripts to Better Your Revenue
  4. Todd Kane’s Three Degrees of Trust
  5. CompTIA Benelux Business Technology Community Meeting

Week 2

  1. The Smart Cloud: What Role Will AI Play in the Future Evolution of Cloud Technology
  2. Your Mind Doesn’t do You a Lot of Favours
  3. The Modern Cloud Infrastructure E-book
  4. The UK Cybersecurity Overhaul Brings a “Sword of Damocles” to MSPs
  5. The Museum of Endangered Sounds

Week 3

  1. Never Lose Another Client to a Cheaper MSP
  2. How to Work Securely with Open Source Software
  3. Directory of Remote Jobs for Those Affected by the War in the Ukraine
  4. How Usecure Builds a Security-Savvy Workforce
  5. Adding Cybersecurity to Your Services with Sophos Managed Threat Response

Week 4

  1. The MSP Owner’s Guide to Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads E-book
  2. Nigel Moore’s Package, Price, Profit Audiobook
  3. How to Reduce Churn: 5 Essential Customer Retention Strategies
  4. Analysis of the Kaseya Acquisition of Datto
  5. Raspberry Pi Turns 10 Years Old

Week 5

  1. Partnership Cheat Sheet – A Guide to Vendor Partnering
  2. MSP Sales Goal-Setting
  3. Lessons From the Great Resignation
  4. Bigger Brains e-Learning Courses
  5. PC Paramedics – Helping with Relief Efforts in Ukraine

How You Can Help

Have you recently discovered a useful resource that Richard might be interested in? Then please let us know in the comments.


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I'm a small business owner, technical writer and blogger, with 15 years experience in corporate IT. I frequently attend MSP peer groups and create content relevant to IT service providers and business owners.

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