Reduce Stress in 2025: Build in a Business Airlock

In this guest post for Tubblog, long-time supporter of the blog (and past podcast guest!) Dave Algeo introduces the concept of the business airlock, and how it can help you reduce stress.
Think back to the end of last year. Were you hanging on for the Christmas break? Or did you work over Christmas with a break in the New Year to look forward to?
So many of us find the last few weeks and days before Christmas to be even more hectic as we try to finish things off and leave the so-called ‘in-tray’ as clear as possible. With that we work extra hard because we want to feel like we can start the New Year fresh and clear minded.
The trouble is, in doing so we can work ourselves into a frazzle and spend the first few precious days of festive down-time unwinding and maybe even nursing a stress-flu. You know that feeling of ‘finally, I can unwind’…
And then for some reason your body takes that as a signal to switch off the immune system and let you fall prey to any and every bug going.
It’s happened to me time and again, all so I can get that elusive feeling of ease knowing nothing is going to bite my backside over the Christmas period. And the truth is, there’s no guarantee that we can actually achieve that state.
And let’s face it, as the new year ramps up there is always plenty to do, despite our efforts to clear the decks.
Add to that, we often add in a few ‘new year resolutions’ to work towards too, don’t we?
Why a Business Airlock Might be the Alternative
It took me years to realise that I was chasing a dream. The dream of a blissful work-free Christmas that never materialised. Usually because I was either nursing that cold or unable to really switch-off after being so in the habit of working at a frenzied pace.
That’s why I have come to adopt a more realistic approach to the work and I encourage you to do so too.
I came to realise that as important as Christmas is, it is simply another week or so in the year and one in which I can accept less than perfect.
Because that’s the truth for many of us. We are approaching how we celebrate or enjoy the Christmas period with a perfectionist’s mindset.
And in setting such high expectations, we can actually rob the period of some of its real joy. The joy of just being present to it and appreciating the time we have with loved ones and friends.
If you can relate and want to find another way to head into next Christmas, or indeed any holiday or break, then I recommend a reframe. And then it’s time to introduce the business airlock into your life.
First, the reframe: Give yourself permission to leave things unfinished and focus on leaving what you can to the next year. Then the airlock.
But What is a Business Airlock?
Imagine an astronaut, having completed the space-walk, seeking to return to the safety of the space-station. As they transition from space outside, they first enter the airlock. A capsule in which they have to wait in order to allow the vacuum of space to be ejected back outside, and breathable air/pressure to return.
Once normalised and safe the astronaut can safely remove the space-suit, enter the main part of the capsule and engage in other activities.
That space and the time to allow for the return of the appropriate atmosphere is critical to ensure the safety of not just the space-walker but everyone inside the station.
Now imagine something similar in our own day-to-day lives. A small amount of space between work and rest (or play) to allow us to adapt to a different atmosphere. It doesn’t need to be a physical capsule, but it does need to provide a buffer between the two atmospheres of work and rest.
Because it can take a while for your stressed-out frazzled brain to catch up with your body. I bet you have experienced that feeling of physically being at home, and realising your brain is still at work?
In other words, your body might be on the break, but your mind is still buzzing from all the demands and things left unfinished.
That’s where the business airlock comes in. Like that capsule between space outside and the inside of the spacecraft, a psychological airlock can really help you decompress and adjust to the new atmosphere.
Otherwise you may be wandering around in your space-suit trying to turn the telly on, or get comfy on the sofa – awkward!
What Does a Psychological Business Airlock Consist of?
The good news is you don’t need a NASA scale budget to install your own airlock. You simply need to create a little time and space between the different atmospheres. This is to allow your brain to disengage from work (akin to taking off the space-suit). And then engage with being present and available for the restful activities.
So, make a point of giving yourself about 20-30 minutes in which you:
- Close the tabs in your brain – your brain doesn’t like things left hanging.
- Capture on paper or a to-do list/diary all those unfinished things that you need to pick up in 2025. And remember you don’t need to actually finish things to close the tabs – just capture them outside your head.
- For each one, write down the first sprout-sized action you need to take – that helps reduce the friction when you get started and will help your brain let go.
- Get the work out of sight – laptop away, etc
- Take a deep breath and plan something to mark the start of your break.
Keep your Airlock simple and transportable. Nothing fancy is required. You might find a small notebook and pen is all you need to take with you into your airlock.
So, as you approach your next break, whether it’s half term, a holiday, the weekend or even the end of your working day, invest in your psychological business airlock.
So, what do you think? Are you going to incorporate a business airlock into your MSP this year? And remember, if you find you’re struggling with your mental health, we have a list of resources here for you.