Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before Setting Your New Years Goals

Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before Setting Your New Years Goals

Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before Setting Your New Years Goals image

imageIt’s the time of year when we start making plans for the year ahead, and setting ourselves goals for the New Year.

Some of us have just one or two of these goals and call them “New Years Resolutions”.

Others take a look at many aspects of their life, set goals accordingly and call it a “Life Plan”.

Either way, as you set your goals for the year ahead, in the hope that it’ll help you create more realistic, achievable goals for yourself – I thought I’d share with you the three questions to ask yourself before setting your new years goals.

What do you enjoy doing that you simply don’t make time for anymore?

We all have hobbies or activities we love doing but we simply don’t find enough time to do them.

Ask yourself, why is this? What’s getting in the way of you doing the things you love?

What do you want to make the time for in the year ahead?

How did you make people feel in the year gone by?

Did you make your friends and family feel proud of you?

Did you make co-workers or friends confident in themselves?

Or did you make those you came into contact with feel some other way?

Long after people have forgotten what you did, they’ll remember how you made them feel.

How do you want to make people feel in the year ahead?

How do you feel about yourself as the year ends?

As the year comes to a close, how do you feel about yourself?

Are you satisfied with what you’ve done, the things you’ve seen and learnt, the progress you’ve made?

Is there anything you regret? Any sadness over missed opportunities, shame over how you’ve treated others, or anger over perceived slights towards you?

How do you want to think and feel about yourself twelve months from now?



Whether your goals are small adjustments to your life, or a complete change in direction – you need to know why you are making these changes.

I hope these three questions help you to uncover what is really important to you as you plan your New Year.


photo credit: Marco Bellucci via photopin cc


Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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1 thought on Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before Setting Your New Years Goals


1ST JANUARY 2013 22:18:21

[...] If you’re looking back on your own 2012 have a read of this post by Richard Tubb: Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before Setting Your New Years Goals [...]

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