Why you should listen to Podcasts for personal development

Why You Should Listen to Podcasts for Personal Development

Why You Should Listen to Podcasts for Personal Development image

Listening to PodcastDo you listen to Podcasts? While the traditional view of Podcasts might have viewed them as something of a novelty — niche audio shows listened to by nerds or geeks who knew what a Podcast was — Podcasts are now mainstream.

As consumers, we are now used to the concept of on-demand services. Services such as Netflix, Amazon Video and BBC iPlayer serve up traditional content like TV and movies on-demand. Similarly, Podcasts might be thought of as radio show on-demand.

Podcasts aren’t just a replacement for the radio though, they can actively be a part of your personal and professional development, helping educate, inspire and keep you informed.

Listening to Podcasts for Personal Development

ListeningPodcasts have been a staple of my own personal development for many years now.

I’ve shared my thoughts on making sure you surround yourself with success before. We are influenced by what we see and hear. Watch the news every day and you may think the world is a horrible place. Alternatively, spend time with positive people and you will be inspired. Podcasts are a way of exposing yourself to the influences of people who are smart and successful.

Podcasts are educational. I’ve learned from Podcasts how to form healthy habits, how to be more productive, how to startup a business, how to write better content and yes, how to start my own Podcast too!

Want to know how to be a better business owner? There’s a Podcast for that.

Want to increase your productivity? There’s definitely a Podcast for that — and you can become more productive by listening to Podcast’s while you’re doing something else too.

Using your time productively with Podcasts

Listening to a Podcast while commutingI listen to a variety of Podcasts on a variety of topics, each varying in length. I’ve found that the typical Podcasts I listen to fall into three categories.

  • Some Podcast’s are very short. 4-10 minutes. I often listen to these Podcasts when I find myself in a long queue or a waiting room.
  • Other Podcasts are 20-30 minute Podcasts that you can listen to in the car on the way to work, or while out for a walk. I find these Podcasts leave me feeling inspired and full of ideas.
  • Then there are long-form Podcasts. Shows of an hour, 90 minutes or more that I tend to listen to when I’m driving long distances or taking flights.

In all instances — standing in a queue, driving through traffic, sitting on a plane or a train — listening to Podcasts means you can relax and nourish your mind with something positive at the same time.

Listening to Podcasts means you can relax and nourish your mind with something positive at the same time Click to Tweet

I’ve found that combining Podcasts with other activities helps me form better habits too. I go out for at least a 30 minute walk each day and when I do, I listen to a Podcast. If I fancy listening to a Podcast, I go for a walk. If I fancy a walk, I listen to a Podcast.

How to listen to Podcasts

Podcast AppIf you own a tablet or a Smartphone, then you’re already equipped to listen to Podcasts.

Apple now bundle their Podcast app as part of iOS 8. Simply find the Podcast app and start downloading Podcast episodes for free from the Apple iTunes store.

Android has a multitude of Podcast apps available on the Google Play store. My personal preference is DoggCatcher which costs a few pounds and which automatically downloads the latest episodes of my favourite Podcast shows so that I’m able to listen to them whenever I’m able to.

Podcasts are even making their way into in-car audio equipment. Apple CarPlay (“the best iPhone experience on four wheels” as Apple put it) can be found in many modern in-car audio systems.

Which Podcasts should I listen to?

If you’re a business owner or work in the IT industry, I’ve put together a list of recommended Podcasts for IT professionals. Whether your interest in marketing, productivity, technology, soft skills or any other personal or professional skill, you’ll find a Podcast that will help you learn more about that subject.


If you’ve not listened to a Podcast before, I’d encourage you to download a few episodes and have a listen.

The next time you’re in your car — trying turning off the radio and listen to a Podcast.

The next time you’re waiting in a queue, out for a walk or simply killing time — trying listening to a Podcast.

You’ll be surprised at the high quality of Podcast shows, and I promise you that in addition to learning something new, you’ll be inspired too!

Which Podcasts do you listen to and what do you get from listening to Podcasts? Let me know by leaving a comment below.


Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog www.tubblog.co.uk

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3 thoughts on Why You Should Listen to Podcasts for Personal Development


1ST AUGUST 2015 09:49:01

[…] Find out more about the value of podcasts here […]


9TH FEBRUARY 2016 15:52:01

Great post Richard. I love listening to podcasts. It's like a University in my car. Recently I installed the BeyondPod podcast player - which makes life a bit easier than ye olde fashioned way of downloading all the podcasts to the PC from iTunes, then transferring them to my Android phone. The DoggCatcher app also looks an interesting podcast player to check out - thanks for recommending it.


15TH FEBRUARY 2016 09:43:55

David -- thanks for feedback and suggestion of BeyondPod. I'll check it out!

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