TubbTalk 105: How Content Marketing Gives MSPs Results - Tubblog: The Hub for MSPs

TubbTalk 105: How Content Marketing Gives MSPs Results

TubbTalk 105: How Content Marketing Gives MSPs Results image

TubbTalk 105: How Content Marketing Gives MSPs ResultsAn Interview with Claire Jenks and Pascal Fintoni

I speak to Claire Jenks and Pascal Fintoni about content marketing for MSPs. Claire helps tech businesses, consultants and memberships reach their potential and make the biggest impact through design, content and business management.  And Pascal is a digital marketeer, video marketing expert, speaker, trainer and webinar host who helps businesses build their online reputation.

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Why Content Marketing is a Good Fit for MSPs

Claire explains that some MSPs might actually be using content marketing without actually knowing that’s what they’re doing. If you have valuable knowledge you want to share with the world, then that’s where it comes in.

To become an authority in your field, or get your content to a bigger audience, you need a clear process to market yourself successfully. It helps you communicate better with your existing customers, shows potential clients what you do, and lets them get to know you. 

Why Content Marketing is so Important

Pascal explained that content marketing and the internet have completely changed the way customers find out about businesses. “Previously, the only information that customers could gather about you was whatever you chose to put out there.”

Businesses were in control of that information and when and how it was released. “Now, by the time somebody gets in touch with you, they have formed 80% of their opinion about you by accessing information at their leisure, in a format that suits them. And they get to know the person behind the brand.” 

How can MSPs use #contentmarketing to see great results in their businesses? @cjenksdesign and @PascalFintoni explain all to Richard Tubb. Click to Tweet

Three Helpful Phrases to Know in Content Marketing

Pascal shared three phrases that all MSPs should know. The first is ‘content marketing campaign’. It’s a long-term game, not an instant win. The campaign involves three elements that help you build success.

First is visibility, and involves leveraging the audiences of people who are ahead of you in business. Secondly, credibility is when you’ve nurtured people and they understand how you can help them. Finally, interactivity is about speaking to people and answering questions from prospects.

Next, ‘content series’ is a useful phrase to know. “Say you want to talk about cybersecurity, but you’re going to dig deep into the topic. You plan a series of six blogs, and at the end of it you’ll have explored everything.”

In contrast, a ‘content special’ could be a one-off, free downloadable guide with an ultimate checklist of what you need to know about cybersecurity. Either will position you as an expert.

How MSPs can Upgrade and Repurpose Content

Repurposing or upgrading your content makes things easier for you when it comes to marketing your MSP. You could take the six blogs about cybersecurity and combine them into an eBook which you sell or offer for free.

Pascal added: “The repurposing up needs to be part of your strategy, because too often people create one piece of content after another and the earlier things get forgotten. Repurposing helps show people that you’re the expert. But work with a writer or designer so you’re not doing it all yourself.”

How to Prevent Content Marketing Overwhelm

When you start marketing your MSP, you might want to try everything that’s out there. But there are so many platforms and mediums that it can be overwhelming.

Therefore, Claire’s advice is: “Look at what you want to achieve and what’s possible. You have day-to-day business activities and a life as well. So, identify what will be most impactful. Start with one thing, put a process in place, and then if you want to do more, you might get more people involved.”

The Best Type of Content for MSPs

With so much choice, you might wonder what’s the best type of content to use for your MSP. The simple answer is, whatever you can be consistent with. So if you can commit to producing content regularly, it will work for you.

Some people like to write blogs, others prefer to create video. Choose whatever you’re most comfortable with and that you’ll enjoy doing often. And make sure you’re bringing value and show the audience you understand their pain points.

When to Outsource Your Content Marketing

Pascal explained: “People often tell me they don’t have time to work on their marketing. And I always reply that you make the campaign fit with the time you have available.

“If you want to do more, then you find people to help you with creating the content. If you can’t or won’t extend the time you give to content marketing, then outsource it to experts who do.”

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I'm the MSP Community Manager for Tubblog. A small business owner, technical writer and blogger, with 15 years experience in corporate IT. I frequently attend MSP peer groups and create content relevant to IT service providers and business owners.

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