The benefits of learning how to Up-Serve your clients - Tubblog: The Hub for MSPs

The benefits of learning how to Up-Serve your clients

The benefits of learning how to Up-Serve your clients image

What is up-serving? For today’s article, I’m honoured to be handing over the blog to one of my business heroes, Bob Burg.

Bob is the co-author (alongside John David Mann) of the best-selling book, The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea.

The Go-Giver is a book I consider one of my top-three life-changing reads. It is also the book I gift most often to other people. I’d highly recommend you read it.

After you’ve read Bob’s article, I’d also recommend you listen to my TubbTalk Podcast interview with Bob where we talk about How Being a Go-Giver Can Increase Your Sales.

Richard Tubb.


Up-Serve_Tubblog Featured Image TBHave you ever been…”Up-Served?”

This is when you purchase a product and before closing out the sale you’re given an opportunity to buy something related to your original product but probably less expensive.

For example,  additional ties or belts after buying a suit, a servicing plan after buying a new air conditioner, etc.

And, after you did… were you glad that you did?

The benefits of Up-Serving

The cool thing about being up-served is that (again, assuming you were happy with your decision) when this occurs, both parties benefit.

The buyer benefits (profits) as he or she receives more value than originally planned and the seller profits by increasing their “net” during the same exchange.

Of course, this is usually called an “Up-SELL.”

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that term, other than that it seems to come from the seller’s viewpoint rather than on how it helps your client.

Up-Selling vs Up-Serving

So, from now on, let’s call it an “Up-Serve” as that’s the focus: to *serve* your client with more value than originally expected.

Our additional profit is simply the result of our focus on them, and being able to serve them appropriately.

From now on, let's refer to up-selling as Up-Serving, as that's the focus: to *serve* your client with more value than originally expected. @BobBurg Click to Tweet

Speaking of which…yes, I’ll have fries and a cola with my veggie-burger, thank you! 🙂

How can you Up-Serve Your Clients?

Question: How do *you* Up-Serve in your business in order to increase the value you’re providing your new customer while — as a result — increasing your company’s bottom line?

Leave a comment below or get in touch with Richard or me, Bob Burg!

About Bob Burg

Bob BurgBob Burg is the co-author (with John David-Mann) of the best-selling book, The Go-Giver, a Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek Bestseller.

Bob’s Go-Giver book has sold well over 1 million copies and been translated into 30 languages.

It was rated #10 on Inc. Magazine’s list of the Most Motivational Books Ever Written.

Further, The Go-Giver was featured on HubSpot’s 20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time.

In The Go-Giver, Bob shares how a subtle shift in focus is not only a more uplifting and fulfilling way of conducting business but the most financially profitable way as well.

For 30 years, Bob has helped companies, sales leaders, and their teams to more effectively communicate their value, sell at higher prices with less resistance, and grow their businesses based on Endless Referrals.

If you’d like to receive regular ideas, tips and wisdom from Bob, then sign-up for the Daily Impact email.

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