Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 - January 2024 -

Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 – January 2024

Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 – January 2024 image

Tubbservatory Round-Up – Tools and Resources for Your MSP

Every week, Richard enthusiastically hunts down must-have resources, curating a vibrant selection tailored for IT Managed Service Providers (MSPs) aiming to stay on the cutting edge.

Step into the Tubbservatory – your lively video featuring carefully chosen articles, podcasts, and events, creating a treasure trove for fellow IT entrepreneurs.

Get ready for the Tubbservatory Round-Up #25, your January 2024 edition! As we joyfully wave goodbye to the old year and eagerly usher in a brand new one, we’ve pulled out all the stops to compile this month’s episodes for your viewing delight, all set for you to enjoy at your convenience.

Dive into the links to these valuable resources at the end of this post, ushering in the exciting beginning of a brand new year!

This month’s topics include: Cybersecurity, Cyber Insurance, Peer Communities, Businesses Growth, Upserving & Mental Health.


Tubbservatory: The January 2024 Round-Up Video


Tubbservatory Round-Up #25: January- Week 1


#1 Level Up Your Defense in 15 Minutes

Want to know how to level up your Cybersecurity defenses in 15 minutes?

If you’ve not checked out the Neighbourhood Watch Program from Cybersecurity experts Huntress, then you’re missing out!

Huntress’ Neighbourhood Watch gives any MSP a Not-For-Resale (NFR) license to Huntress Managed EDR to proactively protect your internal endpoints, Huntress Security Awareness Training to strengthen your team’s cyber acumen, and Huntress newest addition, MDR for Microsoft 365 to defend against business email compromise attacks.

Frankly, you’d be crazy not to jump all over this offer, which is open to all MSPs.

#2 Bot Defense Guide For Developers, Kubecon Interview, Hashicorp Vault Tutorial & More…

If you missed them, 2023 was the year that James Steel of Akamai Linode took the Managed Service industry by storm with his monthly videos!

Steel’s latest video includes a Bot Defense Guide For Developers, a Kubecon Interview, a Hashicorp Vault Tutorial & More

Not only are these videos fun, but help Technology Providers keep their fingers on the pulse. Subscribe today!

#3 Cyber Insurance with Laura Wilkinson

Talking of the cloud, where does an MSPs liability extend to with their client’s and cloud providers.

Well, Cyber Insurance expert Laura Wilkinson of Techinsure educates MSPs as to the requirements for cyber insurance in her latest video.

Thanks for sharing, Laura!

#4 An MSP Peer Group Designed To Maximize Your MSP’s Potential

You may know I’m a huge fan of peer communities for MSPs. I truly believe they can accelerate your businesses growth.

So I was excited to hear that MSP legend Gary Pica is launching his TruPeer MSP Accountability Programme in Europe!

Thanks to Oliver Mackley of Kaseya for bringing my attention to this awesome new MSP resource.

Big news for Europe! @pax8 unveils Pax8 Beyond EMEA event in Berlin, Oct 14-15, 2024. The ultimate Managed Services gathering! Stay tuned for details! Click to Tweet

#5 Empowering the Modern Managed Service Provider

And finally, huge news for those of us in Europe as Pax8 have announced their big Pax8 Beyond EMEA event!

Pencil October 14th-15th 2024 in your diary, and get ready to head to Berlin, Germany where Pax8 promises to put on the biggest Managed Services event in Europe!

Further details to come soon!

Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 - January 2024


Tubbservatory Round-Up #25: January – Week 2


#1 Announcing the Stars of the MSP Universe

We kick off this week with a celebration of the winners of the annual SuperOps MSP Awards!

Amongst the winners was Amanda Stewart of Illuminate IT for Female MSP Contributor of the Year, Mark Dodds of Compex IT for the MSP vertical award, Jordan at BV Tech for One Man MSP of the Year, and Joe Burns with not one, but two awards for Reformed IT.

Well done everyone who won — an amazing start to 2024!

#2 My Predictions for the MSP World in 2024

What does 2024 hold in store for the Managed Service world?

Well, industry expert Rick Yates has looked into his crystal ball and shared his predictions for the MSP world in 2024!

MSPs partnering with Security experts, and the rise of managed Security Operations Centres are just two predictions from Yates.

#3 Creating a Feedback-Rich & Respectful Workplace

If you’re looking to build a better workplace environment for your MSP in 2024, then I’d recommend taking a look at Norm Smooklers free guidebook on creating a feedback-rich & respectful workplace.

Improving and simplifying a workplace’s feedback system increases respect, trust, engagement, psychological safety, and productivity, says Smookler.

#4 How to Sell Azure Solutions

Microsoft Azure is expected to explode in demand in 2024, but how should MSPs look to sell Azure solutions?

James Marshall of Microsoft has provided this excellent guide on How to Sell Azure Solutions. Highly recommended.

#5 Adventures in Marketing

And finally, February 8th 2024 is the date for the annual Adventures in Marketing event in Edinburgh, Scotland!

This is a full-day event celebrating the fun, adventurous and exciting side of marketing your business.

Tickets are still available, and I hope to see you there!

Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 - January 2024


Tubbservatory Round-Up #25: January – Week 3


#1 Conversational Managed Security Services for MSPs

We kick this week off with an excellent eBook entitled Conversational Managed Security Services for MSPs.

The eBook, produced by Barracuda MSP explains:-

  • The opportunities that exist for MSPs to offer security services
  • How to move your MSP business towards offering managed security services
  • The different types of services you can offer under the managed security umbrella

This eBook is free to download, and definitely worth reading!

#2 Tech Giants

If you’ve not caught Gemma Telford’s excellent Tech Giants interview series, then it’s worth checking out!

Telford shares she started Tech Giants to celebrate some of the great people she has worked with in the channel over the last 20 years, and if you want to hear insights from some of the smartest folks in our industry, I’d highly recommend checking the interviews with David Tulip of Network Group, Stephen Kelly of Tech Nation, and Jason Beal of Barracuda.

#3 Ask an MSP Expert: How Can I Use ChatGPT for Prospecting?

How can MSPs use ChatGPT for prospecting?

That’s the question that Kendra Lee answers in the latest “Ask an MSP Expert” article on SmarterMSP.

This is a short but powerful read that should help any MSP use ChatGPT to help their sales

#4 Lawrence Technology Services

If you’re looking to feed your technicians with great content, then look no further than Tom Lawrence’s YouTube channel.

Tom and the team at Lawrence Systems have been sharing high-quality, in-depth video guides for technicians for many years now, featuring everything from how-to guides to tool reviews.

Make sure to subscribe!

#5 Where IT Infrastructure Meets Innovation

And finally, a heads-up that Cloud Expo Europe takes place in London on 6-7 March 2024.

If you’re looking to shape your cloud strategies or navigating the ever-evolving cloud technology landscape, then this event may be for you.

Registration is now open!

Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 - January 2024


Tubbservatory Round-Up #25: January – Week 4


#1 Why You Need to Ditch LinkedIn as Your Content Platform

Here’s why you need to ditch LinkedIn as your content platform!

Content marketing legend Mark Schaefer shares his thoughts in this powerful article, where he argues LinkedIn should not be your primary content platform, but a distribution system.

I couldn’t agree more with Mark, and as always, Tubblog – the Hub for MSPs remains my home, with videos like Tubbservatory being distributed to LinkedIn and other social platforms.

#2 Dawning of a New Era for IT Consultants

If you missed it, MSP legend Karl Palachuk hosted his annual State of the Nation address for the Managed Service industry, and it’s now available to view on-demand.

In the address, Karl addressed his thoughts on The Dawning of a New Era for SMB IT Consultants, Private Equity in the SMB IT consulting space and much more.

This is an essential view for anybody in the Managed Services industry.

#3 Overlooked Revenue Opportunities for MSPs

Are you overlooking revenue opportunities with your existing MSP client’s?

That’s the topic I cover in my latest guest article for Domotz.

My number one piece of advice? Create an upserving matrix. Find out more in this article.

#4 My Word for 2024 is…Authenticity

Will AI mean we lose our authentic selves?

Authenticity is the word of the year for Jason Kemsley of Uptime, and Jason says you should think about your authenticity too.

#5 Huntress EMEA 2024 – Clocking up the KM to support Mental Health

And finally, one man is using his attendance of MSP events to get fit and raise money for charity!

Nick O’Donovan of Huntress has vowed to run 5k for every Managed Services event he attends in 2024, and raising money for the charity Mental Health Ireland too!

You can sponsor Nick at his JustGiving page, and knowing how much he travels, Mr. O’Donovan is going to do a lot of good as he runs in 2024! 

Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 - January 2024


Links to the Resources Mentioned in this Round-Up

From Week 1

  1. Level Up Your Defense in 15 Minutes
  2. Bot Defense Guide For Developers, Kubecon Interview, Hashicorp Vault Tutorial & More…
  3. Cyber Insurance with Laura Wilkinson
  4. An MSP Peer Group Designed To Maximize Your MSP’s Potential
  5. Empowering the Modern Managed Service Provider

Mentioned in Week 2

  1. Announcing the Stars of the MSP Universe
  2. My Predictions for the MSP World in 2024
  3. Creating a Feedback-Rich & Respectful Workplace
  4. How to Sell Azure Solutions
  5. Adventures in Marketing

Week 3

  1. Conversational Managed Security Services for MSPs
  2. Tech Giants
  3. Ask an MSP Expert: How Can I Use ChatGPT for Prospecting?
  4. Lawrence Technology Services
  5. Where IT Infrastructure Meets Innovation

Week 4

  1. Why You Need to Ditch LinkedIn as Your Content Platform
  2. Dawning of a New Era for IT Consultants
  3. Overlooked Revenue Opportunities for MSPs
  4. My Word for 2024 is…Authenticity
  5. Huntress EMEA 2024 – Clocking up the KM to support Mental Health


How You Can Help

And there you go, wrapping up Tubbservatory Round-Up #25 as we enter a new year!

Do you have something amazing to contribute? Whether it’s a remarkable tool or an awe-inspiring resource, we’re eager to hear from you! Share your insights in the comments below, and let’s keep nurturing the open exchange of knowledge. Your input is greatly appreciated!


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I'm the MSP Community Manager for Tubblog. A small business owner, technical writer and blogger, with 15 years experience in corporate IT. I frequently attend MSP peer groups and create content relevant to IT service providers and business owners.

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